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  • Writer's pictureDr. Khushboo Shugani

Achieving Daily Goals with Visual Cards

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

In this post I am bringing in a few more points around, how to use Visual cards in more detail, and introduce new things that help in building language.

Visual Cards can be effectively used to introduce choice making, and concepts like - adjustments, mistakes, changes and more...


Some new cards, like - First, Next, Later, More, Finished


Create a detailed schedule for 1 hour (as therapy time) and then you may extend it for the whole day or however it suits the child's routine, following the same pattern.


Display different activity Cards on one or more walls (but strictly in the same room).

Make a dedicated strip on the wall or white board, or door, anywhere, and put the title -

“SCHEDULE 2:00-3:00 PM”

You may place the first 1-2 cards, and ask the child, indicating with gestures and no verbal prompts, (even if it takes the whole of 1 hr for few days to understand what he is expected to do) to pick the next card... and so on....

The aim is - You and the child together make the schedule for next 1hr. and develop an understanding on what is going to happen

Sample 1:


Start Time: 2 PM

End Time: 3 PM



Talk Time

Trampoline/Gym ball

Big Picture


Story Time




Sample 2:

You should be ready with all the material and content for everything that is up on the schedule.

Now, in Sample 1 above, 1st is Puzzle.... Let the child Choose which puzzle he wants to do.

You can make him choose by writing or displaying the available options on white board, or by indicating to the rack or shelf and naming the puzzles that are lying there, or on the Let ME talk App.

Once he has chosen, get started the way u have decided to do that- based on child's level, and your goals, and go on till the end of the scheduled items/activities.


Do allow changes and adjustments... as that would help the child build on vocabulary, expressive language, and a lot more.

Like - if the child loses in between and is just not ready to do anything after the Big Picture, then make him select a picture on the Let Me Talk app, for his next option - Hurdles.

Yes or No

Change to

Sleep Time

Break Time

or if he wants to make some changes by just shuffling it up and down, introduce new words here like -

FIRST this, Then that...

Instead of this, I want that

More of previous one....

Now this, Later that

and so on...


NO active prompts, Let the child figure out some things after you have formed a good base for him on VISUAL CARDS and SCHEDULE. Let this hour be child lead, and you only support.

Next: In my next post I will be writing about Communication Book.


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