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Painting Eggs



Always Unique Totally Interesting Sometimes Mysterious

Festivals & Fun!

Festivals are a time to live, love, celebrate and enjoy with family and friends. It is a time of endless joy and excitement. In India, we...

Developing Writing Skills

A quote by Amanda Morgan says – Before we ever put a pencil in a child's hands, those hands should dig, climb, press, push, squish, twist...

Language & Communication Development – II

In my previous posts, we have already discussed about the following two - Building vocabulary – where we worked on teaching Nouns, like -...

Planning A Day With Your Child

In this post I am going to share some ideas around – How to plan a day with your child. We often struggle to make a schedule for the...

Language & Communication Development - I

In this post I will focus on two areas – 1. Which language should be picked to start with 2. How to move from single word to two word...

Building Vocabulary

To work on building the Vocabulary, we do not have to wait for our child to get Verbal. Let us build child’s memory bank of words and...

Communication Book

Spectrum kids are visual learners, and when they get visual aid they don’t get anxious and it’s easy to communicate with them....

Emergence of Speech & Vocalization

In this post I am detailing about emergence of speech and Vocalization. Most of these are centred around my personal experience and...

Achieving Daily Goals with Visual Cards

In this post I am bringing in a few more points around, how to use Visual cards in more detail, and introduce new things that help in...

Moving Further & Beyond Visual Picture Cards

This post would be helpful to those who have already introduced Visual cards and have achieved basic communication with them. Now, when...

Introduction to Visual Picture Cards

This seems simple but is an art to teach communication with the help of picture cards, whether the child is verbal or nonverbal....

Speech, Language and Communication Building

When we think about our child being non-verbal, the first thing that we are advised or we google is to visit a speech therapist or may be...

Developmental Delays? First Steps...

Are you worried or have observed that your child is behind on some developmental milestones as per his/her age? Do try not to be over...

A New Journey Begins Today!

Dear Friends, I received a lot of warmth, support and love, which makes me begin my new blog journey today to reach out to hundreds of...

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