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  • Writer's pictureDr. Khushboo Shugani

Introduction to Visual Picture Cards

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

This seems simple but is an art to teach communication with the help of picture cards, whether the child is verbal or nonverbal.

Remember, you will need a lot of cards, if you want these to be effective as your child is going to express his/her every need with the help of a card/picture.

But, before we reach there, the approach needs to be defined and as always we will begin with small.

Pick a category from day to day work, e.g. toys, food, play time etc.


Create 4 cards to begin with, under any category –

Toys, Places to go out, snacks (not the main meals in the beginning as it may make the child irritable, out of hunger)

Our Aim is on getting the eye contact and sitting tolerance first, the child should be able to relate to things and picture cards you have made, very easily.

In my experience it works the best when you click some of the pictures of your child only doing an activity and then print it on a paper. I laminated these sheets and also put activity name like play time, biscuits, cycling etc. in Big Bold letters under them to make it more relevant and relatable. This later helps develop sight reading too.

Now we need to bring this to routine, but slowly.

Sit for 4 times in a day, for 2 mins, each time. And make the child understand how it works.

How to Work?

Let us assume you have made 4 cards from food category – chips, biscuit, juice, and milk.

Sit with the child, by placing all 4 cards on the table, and above 4 things (biscuit & chips in very small pieces). If it is one of his favourite foods, he would try to grab it directly, but don’t allow him, instead point or indicate to the respective card.

Demonstrate with the help of some other person - that when you pick the card and give it in mumma’s hands, in exchange you get the real thing.

e.g. if he gives u a card of Chips, he will get a small piece of chips in exchange. This continues, and will take at least 30-40 turns to understand this pattern.

Always appreciate successful attempts and clap to show the child that this is how it works. Do not force or shout at the child if he not picking up, this might take some time and the child might get cranky to get the items (as he likes them but is not understanding how to get them). Be slow and patient in your approach.


Slowly, when the child starts getting this, put these and a few more new cards on the fridge & walls (for food & snacks). Use toy cards on top of toy cupboard for various toys, and on washroom door for washroom activities. You may also opt for 1-2 common walls to stick all the picture cards, but it should be within the approach of child and clearly visible.


When you are building communication with Visual Cards do not emphasise on building verbal communication. This would confuse the child. Let this method take its place first.

Communicate and talk more by gestures and be minimum on verbal (only necessary things).

This will help in many things, as now the child is slowly getting to learn how to communicate his needs without crying, throwing tantrums, or getting high on anxiety & stress.

Remember that when we talk a lot, the child who is not verbal, gets stressed and anxious.

In the beginning, don’t force the child to speak anything, your only focus should be on making him capable of communicating his needs using the visual cards, and go on adding more and more of these, with respect to your child and his needs.


When your child has understood the concept well and can apply it with different category of items, introduce a small communication book. This should have the most required cards, in it, like – Washroom, Eat, Drink, Go Home, and start to use it.

You can download a Sample file from here -


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